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Night of the Living Gamer
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Another Damned Boardgame

« Industrial Waste, The Vatican and Reiner Knizia | Main | New Website, New Books, Same Privateer Press »

January 17, 2002
09:37 AM: Allan Sugarbaker says...
Another Damned Boardgame

Living Dead Entertainment, in association with Udo Grebe Gamedesign, has announced plans for The Hellgame, a boardgame wherein each player controls a group of three daemons. Using their triumvirate of evil, each player attempts to gain control of one of Hell's circles and have his claim recognised by Lucifer himself. Designed for 2 - 6 players, The Hellgame is aiming for release into the world this Spring.

Z-Man Sets The Record Straight
In my post yesterday, I said that Z-Man Games' upcoming Playmark Book Game Warchon would have two characters, represented by bookmarks, fighting within the pages of the Warchon book. Z-Man President Zev Shlasinger was kind enough to set me straight by clarifying that while you could play with just one character per side, "there will be forty bookmarks, about 20 units per side - we are talking about combat on the strategic level. Think of an army of minis opposing each other on a tabletop, but the minis are bookmarks and the battlefield is within the pages of the book. It is not strictly one on one combat." Sweet. I'm looking forward to checking it out. So, to read ahead in the book, would you need to send a scout? ;-)

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