New Forums Abound At Green Ronin
Sited by the company itself as "a vast improvement," Green Ronin Publishing has replaced its discussion forums with a brand new one. Head on over and post away, or browse for the skinny on GR's latest projects.
Flurry Of Godlike
More Godlike RPG teaser tidbits have been posted to further whip us gamers into a frenzy. Of the six new updates, three are example power packages, one for each type of Godlike campaign: for a High Realism campaign, there's The Tiger; for the slightly looser Cinematic campaign, The Flying Brick; and for a caution-to-the-wind Four-Color campaign, there's Child of the Atom." The next two site updates are individual power descriptions of Plasticine Touch and Unconventional Move. But the most notable site update may be the 15-round example of a Godlike encounter. Go take a look -- Captain Finnerty is waiting for you.