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06:27 PM: Mike Sugarbaker says...
Mage Knight Dungeons First Look
News flash for the inattentive (such as myself): Mage Knight Dungeons is not a Mage Knight expansion. It is not, in fact, a miniatures game. While MK Dungeons does use conventional MK figures, it is played on a square grid, and resembles old dungeon-crawl board games like DungeonQuest more than it does anything Warhammer-like. A cursory glance at the rulebook does reveal a lot of weird leftover minis-game-like cruft, however (your figure's "front arc" matters for some reason, as opposed to, say, which of a big four directions it faces). There are wandering monster tokens, which are replaced with actual figures once they get close enough to a hero. By the way, the heroes are apparently different from basic MK humanoid fighters, because standard troops apparently would get their asses kicked quite rapidly in Dungeons. Also keeping the world a strange place are the Dungeon Builder's Kits, a set of three static, independent sets of smaller cardboard sub-boards, tokens, and scary plastic doors. I was expecting MK Dungeons to be a standard MK expansion along with something like a rubbery, painted-in-China take on Dwarven Forge, and while I'm disappointed not to get the latter, what I did get looks interesting. It also comes at an interesting time, with no equivalent games out there on the market (Wiz-War's buffed out new edition isn't coming for a month or two yet). Whether MK Dungeons merits the expense compared to, say, picking up an old copy of Dungeon! on eBay is a matter for our upcoming playtest report...