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(Atlas Games)

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Jamie Chambers - Signal Fire Studios (7/21/09)
Darren Watts - Hero Games (5/4/09)
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PAX East 2010 report (4/9/10)
Christmas Gift Guide 2009 (12/4/09)
Games of the Ninja 2008 (12/5/08)
Christmas Gift Guide 2008 (11/27/08)
Screams from the Cave 2008
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Christmas Gift Guide 2007 (11/30/07)
Ogres' Choice Awards 2007 (8/17/07)
GAMA Trade Show 2007 report (4/27/07)
Christmas Gift Guide 2006 (11/30/06)
Ogres' Choice Awards 2006 (7/28/06)
Christmas Gift Guide 2005 (11/29/05)
Christmas Gift Guide 2004 (12/10/04)
Night of the Living Gamer
(Halloween RPGs)

The First Seal Is Broken? Then Why'd I Bother Coming Back To Work?

« So We Missed This News. It Was Christmas. Bite Me | Main | Classic Miniatures Change Hands »

January 02, 2002
10:55 AM: Allan Sugarbaker says...
The First Seal Is Broken? Then Why'd I Bother Coming Back To Work?

Tyranny Games has informed us that to announce the upcoming release of the d20 system RPG, The End: Lost Souls Edition, "Pestilence stalks the Earth once again. As The End approaches, Pestilence and its agents bring old and new plagues to the world. New strains of Smallpox, Ebola, and Influenza mix with the mysterious new Gold virus to herald The End." Umm, yikes. Most companies throw a party or something when they release a game, but the folks at Tyranny seem to be going all out. Further updates to the apocalyptic countdown as each seal is broken, as well as other preview art and background stuff, can be found on the official page for The End.

Roleplaying Tips Issues #102, #103, #104 Suddenly Appear
Actually, subscribers received the issues right on time while Johnn Four was on vacation, but now the issues are online and everything's caught up at Roleplaying Tips, everyone can have a look. Here's the links to the issues in question:

Head over and catch up on your GMing hints.

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