FFG Releases Stellar Matter, Dragonstar RPG
The latest releases from Fantasy Flight are enough to make nearly any gamer stop and stare for a moment. The first book for the Dragonstar d20 RPG, The Starfarer's Handbook, is arriving in stores within the next day or so. This game is for those of us who don't mind some genre-bending ("Hey, your dragons got in my Star Trek!" "Your Star Trek got in my dragons!" "Hmmm..."). It's also for those of us whose elves have twitchy trigger fingers.
FFG is also releasing Stellar Matter supplement for Twilight Imperium: Armada. The disk-slinging starship combat game gains more than a hundred new pieces from the fixed-flat expansion, including terrain disks, civilian ships, scenarios, and six control panels. For just under $30, the supplement lends considerable support to fans of the game.
Spectre Kings Review
Joe Kushner brings us his look at Green Knight Publishing's adventure compilation, Tales of the Spectre Kings. This Pendragon supplement has my interest piqued. I may have to make some minor game stat adjustments and run a few selections from Spectre Kings in d20. There's some great ideas to borrow from.