05:23 PM: misuba says...
End of a moderately attended era: SoCal is no more
Gen Con SoCal 2007 is cancelled, as are all future SoCals. The press release mentions competing shows in the area, none of which I know of, so I hadn't considered that as a factor, but in no way does the release imply that as the main factor. Peter Adkison's writeup on the show's life and death is a fascinating read; I'll let the rest of you sort out the gems.
11:37 AM: misuba says...
Okay, we've talked the big-giveaway-considered-harmful thing to death, so I'll just summarize: bad WizKids, no biscuit. But: Fin Fang Foom? I mean, bottom of the barrel much? Or is this a tacit admission that WK has become big, green, destructive, impossible to ignore and mighty dumb?
Seriously, it's gotten to the point where the only possible reason they are doing this big figure is so they have a big figure to give away. To comics retailers.
10:21 PM: Mike Sugarbaker says...
Audio Report: put a bow on Christmas and send it away
No, we haven't forgotten that we do a podcast. The last retail issues of the holiday season get the OCAR treatment in this show, with plenty of play reports of everything from the Wii to King's Breakfast. Our next show should hit soon; we will wrap up the year with a history-making show. You'll see what I mean. How do you feel about how the season shook out?
06:54 AM: Demian Katz says...
Torchlight Gamebooks Unveiled -- Free!
For years, Wayne Densley's world of Arborell has been growing through the online publication of gamebooks and fiction at www.arborell.com. Today, the latest addition has been unveiled: Quest for the Orncryst, the first in the Torchlight series of card-based gamebooks. Through a combination of a 101-page book and several decks of cards, a player can have an ever-changing solitaire role-playing experience, exploring a dungeon that never has quite the same layout or dangers twice. Best of all, the whole thing is free -- you just provide the paper and scissors.
09:41 AM: Allan Sugarbaker says...
Please stand by...
Just to let you all know, my dead computer has made progress on the site difficult. I've called for more knowledgable reinforcements to assist in recovery efforts, and hope to be up and running soon. Meanwhile, updates - including several reviews, a lengthy article from Demian, and more - will go up as quickly as we can manage in these dark times. We will also have a new podcast episode up soon once Mike's done editing it for me (recorded at Chris' place over the holidays, with all three of us in person!). Please stand by... we'll be with you shortly.
10:33 AM: misuba says...
RPGNow/RPGShop hacked, customer info obtained
Here's the discussion thread that's seeing the most action. Just a heads up to any of our readers who might have stored their credit card info with RPGNow or RPGShop - you might wanna keep a close eye on your account. If you never asked either site to hold onto your CC number, this doesn't affect you. DriveThruRPG users are also unaffected so far as I can tell.