No, we haven’t forgotten that we do a podcast. The last retail issues of the holiday season get the OCAR treatment in this show, with plenty of play reports of everything from the Wii to King’s Breakfast. Our next show should hit soon; we will wrap up the year with
Author: Mike Sugarbaker
Let the BattleLore modding begin!
A bunch of dudes in Antwerp have taken BattleLore, kept the cards and the hexes, and wound up with a compellingly different game anyway. Warning: not for those who fear PDFs. Or tables (like, the kind you look stuff up on).
Nothing’s as Christmasey as biting the heads off Meeples
Ladies and gentlemen, Gingerbread Carcassonne.
This is not a drill: Monte Cook’s World of Darkness announced
Um? This certainly has potential to be interesting – like the celebrity WoD remixes in the Requiem Chronicler’s Guide but on a much grander scale – but as a final project before retirement? To follow Ptolus? Monte Cook’s WtF is more like it. Timeframe is next summer.
White Wolf merges with EVE Online publisher
Yes, folks: White Wolf is merging with CCP, the Iceland-based publishers of the “space MMO” the world knows as EVE Online (who made a small splash at Gen Con this year with a self-licensed CCG). That sound you hear underneath the wailing and tooth-gnashing of the Camarilla people may indeed
What happens when people stop being polite and start making up Magic cards
For all the fun of a reality show with more Magic card design geekery and fewer hair-pulling catfights (or maybe I just haven’t found that forum yet), hit up the Great Designer Search. Fifteen would-be designers compete in a series of absurd challenges for an internship with WotC R&D. I
Audio Report: BattleLore! Top fives! Thunder Road!
Neither rain nor sleet nor five consecutive network failures will keep the OCAR staff from doing their appointed rounds… eventually. We spend a good long time in this show on our picks for the top 5 RPGs of all time, and some interesting choices were made indeed. Check it out.
A tricorn of news items about Pirates
1) Vikings in February. I now have serious concerns about the number of factions in the game, but still: Vikings. 2) The announcement of the Quest for Davy Jones’ Gold board game completely went by me. This either means I am thick-headed or that their marketing plan for this product
Audio Report: and so begins the post-Gen Con hangover
We recorded this exactly 24 hours before everyone went nuts over BattleLore, so I’d say it stands as a reasonable document of the doldrums where no one is anticipating anything yet but we’re done being excited about con season. But we do talk about our best-of-Gen Con picks, what Gen
Actual information alert: GAMA/Wargamer/OSU survey results
Remember that survey thing? Yeah. Anyway, the Wargamer has published what they call the “1st Sortie” of the project’s outcome. Awesome, although anyone who makes big claims as to its representation of the real length and breadth of gaming has failed a couple of Logic rolls.
Audio Report: the big con big pre-show
In which we call out a mess of Gen Con releases to which we look forward, and include a review from the 2d6 Feet crew of our Ogre’s Choice honoree True 20. And as always, a whole mess of other crap. Talk about it below.
Audio Report: the glitzy Ogre’s Choice ceremony
Seriously, you should have seen my gown. It was fabulous.
Audio Report: if you squint it looks like someone announced a product
But only kind of. At last, here’s our post-Origins wrapup of what Mike saw, or at least of what he had written down. Also I share some thoughts on the actually-timely post-show interview that Paul Tevis did with Ken Hite. That’s over here and is totally worth the time if
Audio Report: post-everything, pre-everything else
We recorded this show the day the WizKids layoffs were announced… and literally the day before the departure of Jordan Weisman was confirmed. So, we have a variety of perspectives on that, some of which have now proven false. The rest is what we thought would happen at Origins, what
Audio Report: three short podcasts from Origins
The Volity team, Brennan Taylor of Indie Press Revolution, and Rob Dougherty of Your Move (publishers of Battlegrounds). I talked to them on the show floor (generally) and the sound is good, unless you try to listen with the in-page widget. So there.