by Demian Katz
Secrets of San Francisco:
A 1920s Sourcebook for the City by the Bay
Published by Chaosium
Written by Cody Goodfellow
Cover art by Paul Carrick
192-page b&w perfect bound softback
Call of Cthulhu is traditionally a game of the east coast, with the
majority of mind-shattering revelations taking place somewhere quiet in
New England. However, there's no need for eldritch horror to restrict
itself to one place, and Secrets of San Francisco seeks to open up a
little piece of the west to investigators looking for a change of
scenery. The book provides plenty of material to help run familiar
types of adventures in a new setting and to explore the unique
characteristics of the region.
Go West, Young Investigator
Well over half of the book is devoted to providing background
information on San Francisco, and it is to the book's credit that this
largely makes for interesting reading, whether or not you plan on using
it as game material. As in the earlier Secrets of Japan, it is
sometimes a bit unclear where truth and fiction meet, but a bit of
research reveals that there's a lot more fact-based material here than
you might think just from reading it. An apparent sea serpent corpse
really did wash up south of the city (and that's really a photo of it);
Dr. Leonidas Stanley really did perform "glandular rejuvenation"
experiments on San Quentin Prison inmates; Sara Winchester really did
turn her home into an ever-changing, illogical maze in an effort to
escape the angry spirits of victims of her family's rifle. The book is
full of interesting anecdotes worthy of further investigation. It also
takes time to provide somewhat more in-depth coverage of topics of
particular relevance to a CoC campaign: the (sometimes shocking) state
of California's mental health system, the dangerous geography of the
region, the region's mysterious natives (the Miwok and Ohlone) and
equally mysterious immigrants (the residents of Chinatown).
Fiction is also fairly well-represented here. Scenario hooks are
interspersed throughout the text - perhaps the high suicide rate at the
Golden Gate Bridge has a supernatural origin, or perhaps a dark secret
lies in the tunnels beneath the public Sutro Baths. Many of these
suggestions are fairly obvious, but a few of them are gems. I
particularly enjoyed one elaborate hook which brings together ghost
sightings, the Chinatown tunnels, a smuggling operation where goods are
hidden away in another dimension, and consequences of the 1906
Links to other published Call of Cthulhu products are also
present - a character from an adventure in the modern-day The Stars Are Right
scenario collection shows up here at an earlier point in his life.
There are also enough references to the Day of the Beast campaign that I
began to find them annoying (though perhaps I would feel differently if
I actually had a copy of that particular book on hand). In an
interesting blend of fact and fiction, weird fiction author Clark Ashton
Smith is covered as a potential NPC and characters from a couple of his
more Lovecraftian stories are detailed in game terms. Overall, the
fiction-based material in the book is less interesting and less useful
than the factual material and tends to overstay its welcome a bit, but
it doesn't waste too much space in a generally worthwhile volume.
Adventure! Mystery! Despair!
Some people prefer that a sourcebook limit itself purely to abstract
information, but I'm always happier when there are a few adventures on
hand to show off some practical uses of the raw data. Fortunately,
Secrets of San Francisco devotes considerable space to scenarios,
offering four complete adventures of increasing length.
(Spoiler Warning: Some minor plot points revealed below.)
The first adventure, "The Ferry Ride," is by far the weakest. While it
does succeed in providing a good excuse to bring a new group of
investigators together and in setting up a potential campaign, it's not a
very interesting adventure in and of itself. A Keeper might be able to
build something from this, but it's really little more than an extended
scenario hook.
"The Westchester House" is a great improvement over the previous
scenario. While it's a bit jarring that the scenario chooses to avoid
using the historical Sara Winchester, instead renaming her Sarah
Westchester, this is easily ignored. This is a purely mundane mystery
adventure that should provide a pleasing change of pace for a party
that's tired of being constantly devoured by invincible alien beings,
and apart from being a bit sparse on the details of the titular house,
it has enough information to work well as a stand-alone session.
"The Colour of His Eyes," a guest adventure by Brian M. Sammons, is
probably the best of the bunch - dealing with the consequences of
looking through a very powerful and dangerous telescope, it has the
investigators dealing with multiple threats, some more sympathetic than
others. There are good opportunities for role-playing, strategy, and
(of course) a bit of Lovecraftian horror. While all of the book
interested me, this was the bit that most made me want to pick up some
dice and run a game. Since it could easily be adapted to another
setting by changing a few location names, I may end up using it someday
even if I don't commit to a full San Francisco campaign.
The final scenario, "Beyond the Edges," is by far the longest, taking up
forty pages. It pulls the investigators first into the seedy underbelly
of San Francisco, and then somewhere far, far worse. This is a
reasonably well-constructed adventure, and I could see it filling a few
sessions fairly satisfactorily, but it's not quite innovative enough to
justify its length. The endgame, which is the most interesting portion
of the adventure, seems the least developed, and some of the lengthy
investigation leading up to this finale feels like it could have been
trimmed back significantly, perhaps enough to make room for a fifth
adventure. Not a failure, but not a stand-out either.
Finishing Touches
The book ends with a two-page annotated bibliography of inspirational
material, most of which does indeed sound useful. There is also a
two-page index that, while short, served me fairly well when I needed to
find my way back to certain passages.
Secrets of San Francisco is not a perfect book - it drags a bit
at times, mostly in the fictionalized portions of its sourcebook section
and the last of its four scenarios. It also shows some copy-editing
flaws, with typos and grammatical awkwardness increasing noticeably the
further you get in the book. In spite of these flaws, it achieves most
of what it sets out to do, painting a broad picture of the mysterious
side of San Francisco, and providing an interesting read and at least
one stand-out adventure in the process. If you want to run a game in
1920s San Francisco, you should have no regrets after buying this book;
even if this is not your ultimate goal, there's a good chance you'll
find something of value here.