Thursday, December 05, 2002 |
11:12 AM: Allan Sugarbaker says...
Technical difficulties - please stand by
We're having major difficulties with Blogger right now, so posts will be slow in coming. After way too much effort, this post is finally showing up. We'll keep you informed, as we're frantically working on an alternative method of posting. Thanks for coming by. We'll have news and other new stuff shortly.
Wednesday, December 04, 2002 |
2:20 PM: Allan Sugarbaker says...
Goings-on at Goodman Games
Goodman Games has posted detailed previews of its February releases, Complete Guide to Treants and Dungeon Crawl Classics #1: Idylls of the Rat King, both due to hit stores in February 2003.
In Treants, you'll "learn about the dark side of treants: fury, hatred, revenge, and the charred, undead creatures left behind when a treant burns." Well, that and other things, like Treants as a PC race (great dungeon crawlers, I'm sure), new classes, feats, spells and other fun stuff. The 48-page supplement will retail for $13.
As for Idylls of the Rat King, the adventure will kick off Goodman's Dungeon Crawl Classics line, embracing a similar credo to that of Necromancer Games by returning to good, solid, nasty dungeon crawls. The goblins of Idylls will offer plenty of challenge for character levels 1-3.
As if that weren't enough, the company's site has a web enhancement for the Complete Guide to Drow which details House Azran, "a drow house with deep roots and shallow standing." The same freebies page has three rules expansions for the recently released Complete Guide to Doppelgangers. Then there's also the ENWorld Player's Journal which will be out in March, and Goodman Games is coordinating/publishing that as well. Obviously, a full plate is what the company has in mind.
Tuesday, December 03, 2002 |
10:33 AM: Allan Sugarbaker says...
Mongoose to produce Conan and Lone Wolf RPGs
This morning, Matthew Sprange sent out the following announcement on the Mongoose Publishing email list:Mongoose Publishing is proud to announce the acquisition of the Conan licence, to be released in January 2004 (I said it was for the future!). We have the entire vista of Conan and his world at our disposal for this game, including novels, films and comics, so it is going to be a real cracker. I really cannot say too much about the game at this time, as it really is in the very earliest stages of development, but I heard a rumour that Ian Sturrock, the gentleman responsible for the Slaine RPG, will be the principle designer behind Conan.
If that were not enough, Mongoose Publishing is _very_ proud to have acquired the licence to (finally!) produce the Lone Wolf RPG, based on the gamebooks of Joe Dever. Fans of Magnamund have been waiting a very long time to get their hands on an RPG detailing their favourite setting and, in the third quarter of 2003, they will have their chance! Here at Mongoose, we are very keen fans of the gamebooks ourselves, having spent a lot of our own RPG learning curve on them, so we are dedicated to making this an absolute corker of an RPG. Mr Joe Dever had this to say with regards to the new game:
"I am very pleased to be collaborating with Mongoose Publishing on this exciting Lone Wolf RPG project. I have every confidence that they will produce a superlative series of D20-based rule and sourcebooks. Not only will they delight the legions of loyal Lone Wolf fans the world over, they will also introduce a whole new generation of RPG'ers to the wonders of Magnamund and the Kai."
The most observant among you will remember that, some time ago, I mentioned that Mongoose had acquired a major licence that a lot of gamers would be very interested in. Perversely, it is neither Conan nor Lone Wolf and, though it is due to be released in May next year, I still cannot mention it at this time, due to contractual reasons - very frustrating! However, I am hoping the gag will be removed very soon, so look for another announcement - I have a feeling you will like this one. So, to reiterate: Mongoose will be bringing us the Lone Wolf RPG in the fall of 2003, Conan in January 2004, and an unspecified project in May of next year.
Monday, December 02, 2002 |
10:52 PM: Allan Sugarbaker says...
Terra Primate ships... then climbs Empire State building
Eden Studios has announced the Terra Primate RPG has arrived from the printer and is shipping to distributors and preorders now. The 256-page hardcover will bring all aspects of intelligent apes to gamers, the same way Eden's All Flesh Must Be Eaten explored the various themes zombies work well in. If you're in the Northampton, MA region this weekend, head over to The Space-Crime Continuum for the December 7th release party, and meet George Vasilakos himself, as well as other Eden folks. Whether you make it to the release party or not, at a very fair $30, you'd have to be bananas to skip this game. Oooh... did I say that?
10:46 PM: Allan Sugarbaker says...
Quintessential Druid web enhancement
Mongoose Publishing has another free web enhancement to offer up, this time for Quintessential Druid. The PDF contains a free chapter of the book that had to be cut out for lack of space. Ever thought Druids should be more adapted to the terrain they live in? Then this is the d20 download for you.
10:37 PM: Allan Sugarbaker says...
Monsters of Norrath hits stores
The grand experiment continues over at Sword & Sorcery, where the second installment of the Everquest RPG has already gone out and arrived in stores. The book in question, Monsters of Norrath, provides beasts for the game, something sorely lacking with just the EQ Players' Guide on the market for the past few months. Several beasts from the book have already been previewed in small PDFs; specifically, the entries for Drakes, Skeletons, Werebats, Gnolls, and Kobolds are all online. Will it make the experiment of taking an online, community-driven game to an offline medium take off? Time will tell, I suppose. Meanwhile, previews of the EQ Game Master's Guide have already begun, in the form of a quartet of magic items.
10:31 AM: Allan Sugarbaker says...
Monstrous freebies at Firefly Games
While we wait for Escape from Monster Island to come forth and crush us, Firefly Games continues cranking out support for the original Monster Island. The Official Errata File is up and running, to keep those rules questions from turning into brawls. Also available for download is Monster Island's first Rumble Pack, with optional rules for new terrain (the tarpit, for example), weather, and natural disasters. Firefly Games is also gearing up for its DunDraCon appearance. Hey, me too.